Prophetess Charlene Quaye

Prophetess Charlene Quaye: A Woman of Many Hats

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The Executive Producer of “Shades of Grace” Prophetess Charlene Quaye is a multifaceted individual who has authored eight books and wears many hats in both her personal and professional life. She is the president of Diamond Pillars Women’s Ministry, which empowers and restores women from all walks of life.

Additionally, she is the CEO of Charlene’s Angels Maternity Service, which provides maternity care, antenatal education, and counseling to expectant mothers. Charlene is also a passionate prayer warrior, a vibrant preacher, and a dynamic teacher of the word of God.

Furthermore, Charlene is a maternity nurse, a counselor, a disability advocate, a school pastor, and a mentor. She is the co-founder of Loving Hands of Hope Foundation, which supports children with disabilities and their families.

Charlene is also an ambassador for Rainbow Trust, a charity that provides practical and emotional support to families who have a child with a life-threatening or terminal illness.

Recently, she embarked on an Idva course, which trains professionals to support victims of domestic abuse. Charlene is starting a new project called Arukah Haven, which is a place of rest and restoration for domestic abuse survivors.

Charlene is married to Pastor Prince Alexander Quaye, and they have been blessed with two boys, Moses and Reuel. She is a woman who has been called for such a time as this to make a difference in the lives of those who are hurting and to help women give birth to their destinies.

Charlene is a woman who unveils the queen within, the glorious woman, the diamond woman, and the designer woman. She is a woman who arises and shines for the glory of God. Charlene Quaye is truly a woman of many hats.


Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com


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Sampson Annan

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