Celestine Donkor Says Some Gospel Artistes Lack Knowledge

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One of the most accepted gospel musicians in the country and the President of Celestial Praiz, Celestine Donkor without missing words has stated emphatically that some of her colleague gospel artistes totally lack knowledge and understanding of the scriptures with regards to the kind of songs they release.

This was revealed to www.flexgh.com with an unshared interview with the gospel artiste; Celestine Donkor. She is gloomed over the current crop of gospel music emerging and believes it could be a generational cancer if nothing is done about the situation.

When gospel songs are supposed to encourage people, praise God, make people feel comfortable and instill hope in the individuals, amongst others, the gospel artiste believes some of the songs are not in any way geared towards the above, rather they are meant to abuse people indirectly, and they don’t edify one’s spirit.

According to Celestine Donkor, a gospel song that qualifies as such can be found in Ephesians 5:19 which reads ‘’Speak to one another with the words of psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing hymns and psalms to the Lord with praise in your hearts.’’ This simply means that if a song doesn’t encourage one another and focus on God, then it doesn’t qualify as a gospel song.

Though she refused to mention names, the ‘okronkronhene’ hit maker stressed that the up and coming gospel artistes must be rescued since things are getting out of hand by the day. She is confident that if care is not taken it might become a generational thing where the proper message of a gospel song would be buried.

The argument that gospel artistes are doing that for commercial purposes and to recoup monies spent on their products hence the current trend, she thinks otherwise and believes the song can still be commercialized yet spiritual. She went on to mention names like Don Moen and Ron Kenoly who have their songs all over the place but they are spiritual.

“if you are thinking of how to commercialize your song more than commercializing Christ then there is a problem. The first and foremost should be the impact of Christ’’ she passionately mentioned.

She added that most of the songs are self centered. This means some of the artistes make known their achievements in their songs and they do not inspire people who listen to them.

She admitted the complaints by people about gospel artistes shouting in their music and their songs not conforming to the word of God and knows for a fact that they must be addressed as soon as possible.

She admonished gospel artistes to stop using their song as a tool to respond to personal issues they are confronted with, and also urged them to understand to read and understand the scriptures very well.

Celestine Donkor though isn’t sure of a particular body that should see to this menace so as to prevent the up and coming gospel artistes to emulate, she is optimistic she can also contribute in diverse ways to curb the situation since most of the younger ones approach her.


Source: Flexgh


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Sampson Annan

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