You are a Villager for Fighting Over Phones Calls … – Prophet Oduro

You are a Villager for Fighting Over Phones Calls – Prophet Oduro: The Leader and Founder of the Alabaster International Ministries, Prophet Dr Kofi Oduro who is noted for speaking about marriages and relationships has lambasted women who always question their husbands/partners about phone calls/text messages.

According to the outspoken man of God, it is very wrong for women to be very possessive and that they are not the only ones that can be referred as darling, sweetheart,dear, among others.

He opined that people should not be pressured but rather they should be given freedom/allowance

Prophet Oduro branded women who question the accolades used by their husbands on phone to refer to female friends as ‘villagers’ or uncouth.

According to him, some men use such sweet accolades on women because it is in line of duty.

“you are a villager. These accolades are used in the line of duty so don’t be a villager to the point that when someone uses them it means that he has something to do with the person. Don’t be over possessive. The fact I am in a relationship with you does not mean you have bought me over.” he disclosed.

He cited himself as an example that such overly jealous women cannot marry a person like him because he deals with a lot of people especially women in his Church who come to talk to him after every service.

“Which girl were you standing with? How can you marry someone like me when, after every service, I have numerous people who come to talk to me? I call everybody hello darling, hello sweetheart, hello dear and you are thinking he is referring to some of them as dear or sweetheart, then I am dead”, he added.





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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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