Prophet Moses Addo Sampaney Releases 51 Prophecies For Year 2020

Prophet Moses Addo Sampaney Releases 51 Prophecies For Year 2020 : Prophet Moses Addo Sampaney, the Founder and Leader of Shallom Maranathan Gospel Mission has made public some 51 Prophecies that God showed him during his well patronized 31st December, 2019 all night service.

According to Prophet Moses Addo, these 51 prophecies are what will happen in the year 2020 as revealed to him by God.

The 51 prophecies are segmented into religious affairs, politics, economy of Ghana, Agriculture, sports and entertainment, Africa and world affairs and other matters.

He (Prophet Moses Addo) was emphatic that President Akufo-Addo will win the 2020 election one touch which the National Democratic Congress (NDC) would reject the results citing rigging as their basis for rejecting it.

He also mentioned that, there would be a lot of money in Ghana in 2020 which would cause high inflation in the country.

Comedian Kalybos, Actress Kyeiwaa, Ace Broadcaster Kwame Sefa Kayi, the Catholic Pope and other famous personalities were mentioned in the 51 prophecies by Prophet Moses Addo Sampaney.

Check Out The 51 prophecies by Prophet Moses Addo Sampaney Below;

The year 2020 has been declared prophetically as the year of Dominion for this commission. Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 8, Psalm 110:1-2.

The spiritual number of the year is FOUR ( 4); the number Four is the number of revolution and change.

Every forty years God begins a new β€œmove” across the Globe. The previous β€œmove” begun in 1979 and ended in 2019. The year 2020 divinely Marks the beginning of a new β€œmove”. A wind of change will blow all across the globe; a new chapter will be open for the world for the next forty years beginning from this year. (HAGGAI 2:20-23)

Power has shifted from Europe to Asia and in the next 40 years Asia will lead the world. God will prepare Africa within this forty year period to take over from Asia by the year 2060. There will be the rise of new ideas and technologies. There will be new scientific discoveries.There will be the rise and fall of kingdoms (Nations).

Some buoyant economies will decline and God will lift new ones.There is going to be a shake up; God will lift the righteous and bring down the wicked.



1. There is a wind of Revival that will blow from Ghana and spread all over Africa and the nations of the World.

2. God is raising young Evangelist and Teachers who will correct the errors of the prophetic ministry. They will be bold and fearless.

3. I saw the angel of the church of Ghana and the Angel of the church of Nigeria change Positions.

The Holy Spirit ministered to me that there is going to be a strong prophetic Revival in Nigeria. This is divinely purposed to thwart the efforts of some forces that will rise against the Nigerian church physically and spiritually.

There is also going to be a strong Apostolic Revival in Ghana.

This will be characterized by the rise of Mega Churches, supernatural manifestations, instant miracles signs and wonders and sending of missionaries across the globe. God is going to raise kingdom giants for exploits in Ghana.

4. The activities of most false prophets in Ghana will decline. I saw the church of some false prophets closed down.

5. Satan is raising more false teachers against the church; they will base their message on human realities and logical reasoning. The purpose of this demonic strategy is to promote carnality in the church as against spirituality.

6. Many Muslims will see the light and join the Christian faith.

7. I saw a church building in Kumasi burnt into ashes; let all believers pray against it.

8. National Cathedral- I saw that in the course of building the project part of the building collapsed several times.

There are strong spiritual forces against the national cathedral and if Christians do not pray into this the contractor and the technical team will encounter challenges beyond human understanding while performing their duties.

9. Prophet Kofi Oduro will say something and it will put him into serious trouble. Some strong authorities within the nation will persecute him.


10. The 2020 Election will be one touch and it will not go through run-off.

11.Nana Addo Danquah AKuffo Addo will win the Election not because of hard work but by God’s mercies.

12. NDC will reject the results of the 2020 election on the grounds of rigging.

13. People are plotting evil against the EC chair but they will not succeed.

14. I saw some politicians performing rituals on money, T shirts and other items to share it to people for votes. If you take some home you have carried trouble into your house.

15. Some politicians have consulted a deity in India and they are in need of blood for rituals. In view of this a lot of people will die through political Rallies and campaigns.

16. Some credible media Houses will take money and propagate lies that will disturb the political atmosphere.

17. There is a serious demonic manipulation against the Vice President of Ghana and if we do not pray for him; he will have serious health related issues.

18. Some wicked men are plotting evil against Sammy Gyamfi of NDC; he should pray seriously and increase security.

19. I saw two bi-elections in parliament.


20. Fluctuation of the strength of the Cedi.

21. I see cash in the system but high inflation.

22. I see some multi-National companies opening branches in Ghana.

23. I see more foreigners coming to invest in Ghana.

24. I see the emerging of auto-mobile companies that will start producing cars in Ghana.

25. Many employment opportunities will spring up in the nation.


26. The agric sector will boom in all facets; Aqua-culture, animal farming and crop farming.

27. I see a considerable amount of rainfall that will improve agriculture in Ghana.

28. Rain storms and floods will destroy farm produce in some parts of the nation between APRIL AND AUGUST.


29. Football in general will be revived in Ghana.The local football league will see significant improvement and it will become attractive.

30. Some gospel musicians will metamorphose into Apostles and Prophets and start churches but they will not end well.

31. I saw a meeting in the marine kingdom about Odehyeiba Priscilla; in that meeting some gospel stars were assigned to lure her with money into their fraternity. If their first attempt fails they will attack her with a deadly disease. The manager and the pastors around the young lady should take this serious and pray for her.

32. Someone has placed a curse on kyeiwaa of kumawood three years back and I see the curse taking effect this year. Let’s pray that God will deliver her.

33. I saw Kallibos involved in a car accident and he did not die but had problem with his legs.

34. There is a popular celebrity by name Afia, she has raised her voice against a genuine man of GOD and the man of God has prayed against her. I saw that she was seriously sick and she sought for treatment in Ghana and Europe but it did not work. She also went to see some men of God for prayers but it did not also work. The only remedy for her is to see all the men of God she insulted on air and apologize to them personally.

35. There are some people in MUSIGA working spiritually against Obour, he should be prayerful.

36. I saw a black cloth covering peace fm building β€œship house”, lets pray for the workers against mysterious death.

37. Within this decade Kwame Sefa Kai will shift from the media into active politics and governance.


38. I saw two β€œPlane crash” in Ghana.

39. I saw flooding destroy lives and properties in Accra and the Northern part of Ghana in the second and third quarter of the year.


40. I saw the Pope visit some West African Nations including Ghana to bless the land.

41. I saw a Light fall on Congo from heaven and I saw and angel descend and stood in the middle of the nation with a golden scepter in his hand. The Holy Spirit ministered to me that God is about to restore Congo. The Lord will raise a leader and some strong feminine voices and through them he will turn the nation around.

42. Believers should pray for Lesotho against Bloodshed.

43. There is an evil wind blowing over South; I see political tension in South Africa.

44. There are some strong western imperial forces trying to manipulate the leaders of Central African Republic to take some decisions. It will look good in the beginning but in the end it will destroy the nation.

45. I saw a joint force of some western imperial powers masterminding the assassination of Paul Kagame. The whole Africa should pray for him because God has given him a mission and vision for the continent.

46. A group of Islamic militants are planning to bomb some mega churches in Nigeria, specifically in Lagos and Abuja. The church in Nigeria should Pray and increase security.

47. Promotion of a common currency for West Africa to boost trade and industry.

48. I saw sharp ideological differences that will divide the front of the United Nations.

49. I saw countries that have closed their doors for Christianity opening their doors for the Gospel; China is one of these nations. The church should start training missionaries to this effect.

50. There is a religious conflict between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria and within this decade the conflict will mount its peak. There will be bloodshed and destruction of properties to this effect. AS a result of this the nation will be divided into two, Northern Nigeria an Islamic nation and Southern Nigeria a Christian Nation.

51. Within this decade some West African Countries will discover oil in commercial quantities.


Source: Nana Kwesi Coomson (

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Sampson Annan

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