Celestine Donkor And Sonnie Badu

It Doesn’t Make Sense! – Celestine Donkor Berates Sonnie Badu Over Pork Comments

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Recall that singer Sonnie Badu made claims that eating pork is not good as it attracts demons into the lives of consumers. His assertions have since sparked a heated debate among netizens on social media.

Speaking about the assertion of Sonnie Badu, Celestine Donkor said:

“We cast demons out of human beings. Does it mean that humans are demonic? I don’t believe it, to be honest, I don’t. you can tell someone to go and trim his hair because the bushy hair has covered his sense. It doesn’t make sense. If you say because someone eats pork he or she is possessed, it doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t,” she said.

“There are Christians who live anyhow, sleep with people anyhow, talk anyhow, join any kind of associations. Those are the things that I think as a man of God, you should tackle. If you want to change people’s lives, those are the things you should talk about. That’s what according to the bible, leads us to destruction. It opens our spirit to evil. As a shepherd of God,” she added.

According to Celestine Donkor, it would be more helpful and sensible if Sonnie Badu had addressed the health effect of the consumption of Pork and not its spiritual effects.

“If his comments were centered on the health aspects, I can accept such a message but when it comes to spirituality, pork has nothing to do with it. Spirituality has nothing to do with what we eat or what we bring out.

“We are talking about a pastor who has made such a declaration. We all stand before people to preach, It’s just that we don’t wear the clerical. I’m not pointing this at Sonnie Badu in particular, this is a general message. If you happen to be a man of God and you teach these things on the pulpit,” she maintained.

Source: Ghbase.com


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Sampson Annan

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