Hubby of Sharon, Philip Blasts Social Media User

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Philip Frimpong blasts social media user who criticised Sharon Oyakhilome’s wedding dress.Following the much talked about wedding of Ghanaian businessman Philip Frimpong and Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s daughter, Sharon, it appears some people are still hung over the ceremony and not in a nice way.

No matter how perfect a couple strives to make their wedding be, there will always be a bunch of unsatisfied people who either did not get enough food, souvenirs or in this case, found the bride’s dress too revealing.

During an interactive session on Instagram on Philip Frimpong’s Instastory, a follower on the platform expressed their distaste for Sharon’s wedding dress as they felt it was too revealing.

But her husband was not going to have any of it and wasted no time in making it clear.

“I am incredibly glad to say that my wife did not wear her wedding dress to impress you. The wedding dress is in no shape or form exposing her body, her father was happy with it. I was happy with it,” Philip Frimpong stated.

This is coming after his wife and UK-based gospel singer, Sharon revealed during her Q&A that they never dated before marriage.

According to the new bride, they were ‘just friends’. She went on to reveal what she loved the most about her husband and how he was God sent.

She said: “Sharon had this to say: “I wanted to marry someone who trusted God completely and will be an amazing leader cos obviously, he has to be able to lead me rightly and Phil is just that!”



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Sampson Annan

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