At Least 14 Found Dead in Nepali Plane Crash: Another Prophecy By Prophet Daniel Sakyi

The Lord continues to unveil mysteries and secrets to his servant his prophet. In this period, God has a mouthpiece who accurately and precisely conveys God’s mind. Prophet Daniel Sakyi has once again demonstrated that he is indeed a prophetic’s global voice. He speaks God’s mind and it comes to pass.

At Least 14 Found Dead in Nepali Plane Crash: Another Prophecy by Prophet Daniel Sakyi

A look at his Facebook page reveals a prophecy he made during a live session about a plane crash on May 19, 2022. He requested that we pray and intercede on his behalf in the event of a plane crash.

Unfortunately, barely one week after this prophecy, a Nepalese plane crashed in Nepal, killing at least 14 people on board. The crash appears to have resulted in no survivors.

A rescuer at the crash site, Naresh Shahi, reported 15 bodies had been recovered, a difference that could be attributable to a delay in conveying information from the scene, which is located in rugged mountainous terrain.

“Everything was found shattered in parts, including the plane and the victims,” he added, adding that there were no traces of burning on the bodies at the crash site.

This is tragic.

Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com


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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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