What I told God When I Could Not Conceive After Years of Marriage – Diana Hamilton

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Gospel Singer, Diana Hamilton has disclosed that after several years of marriage without a child, she threw a challenge to God.

According to her, after one of her studio sessions, she told God in a prayer that she will never return to the studio until she gets pregnant and gives birth.

Diana Hamilton who was speaking on Kumasi-based Sompa FM said “I went to the studio to record and after the recording, the last thing I said was that he is the Lord who makes the barren give birth to twins.

“When I got home, I told God that what I’ve been through was enough and that he should not make me go through any of such things and that if I don’t give birth, I’m not going back to the studio to sing to praise him. I told God that because I want him to know that I’m serious about what I said, I wrote my thanksgiving song. I wrote that song when I’d never missed my period.”

She said God’s light shone on her and she gave birth to twins. She said her childbirth came as a shock to many because they declared her barren.



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Sampson Annan

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