Suzzy of Suzzy & Matt Fame Going Solo?

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Suzzy of Suzzy and Matt fame has said marriage and other activities have affected their work as a gospel duo.

Speaking to Prince Kwesi Dadzie on GH Entertainment ahead of her solo album launch, Suzzy said, Matt is currently abroad and that has made it difficult for them to work as a duo.

However, they are still a duo and the group has not fallen apart despite their last album few years ago. Suzzy told the host she informed Matt before working on her solo album and she gave her blessing before she embarked on the new project.

Suzzy launched the album called Ema Ma Ni Nwu on Sunday August 26, 2018. Songs on the album, which was recorded by Nacee are King Of Glory, Obe Gye Wo, Asafo Yehowa, Oreba, Hena Mpo, You Can Be The Best and Ode Bema Me. Suzzy and Matt were part of the top groups on the Gospel scene with songs like Mmrane, Yehowa, Kyere Me, Oma Ne Nsa So, Ye Hyira Wo among others.

Suzzy indicated that because of the break, she wanted to do something to assure their fans that, they were still in the music business.

She added, ‘’if it is the will of God, we will collaborate as a duo and release something.’’ Meanwhile, she has disclosed she is currently working without a producer.

When asked her opinion about the industry today and what people have said about the gospel industry, she said, ‘’if gospel musicians would take their time and not rush in releasing songs, it would help the industry.

The number songs you release does not make you an artiste but the impact and the quality of the work matters.’’



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Sampson Annan

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