Sampson Annan Preps for a Facebook Live “Supernatural Experience”

In a quest to impart lives and to contribute to the spiritual development of the Temple of Christ, Sampson Annan is set to embark on a spirit-filled project dubbed: “Supernatural Experience”.

This Project is scheduled to kick-start in June 29th Saturday 2019 at 10am with the Word of God projected live on Facebook.

Sampson Annan - Supernatural Experience - Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM)

“Supernatural Experience” with Sampson Annan as the host promises to be one of the best encounters anyone could ever have as the Word of GOD is presented in a series of Facebook live sessions.

People who wish to join this live feed can follow his Official Social Media Page Below:



Sampson Annan Preps for a Facebook Live Supernatural Experience Gospel Empire Ministries GEM


Sampson Annan is the Founder of Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM), and CEO of GospelEmpireGh.

Sampson Annan is an Entrepreneur, a Content Creator, a Prophet, a Motivational Speaker, a Preacher and a Proficient Life Coaching Personality.

He holds a Degree in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Diploma in Institute Of Commercial Management (ICM UK), Diploma in Media Studies, Certificate in Theory of Music, Diploma in Education, Diploma in Theology & Management and Diploma in School of the Prophets.

Sampson responded to the call of God upon his life to liberate all of God’s children and equip the church for His second coming, with the mandate to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide and demonstrate the supernatural power of God. He is mightily used by God in prophetic, healing and deliverance ministries.

The ministry of Sampson Annan over the past years has seen people responding to the call of GOD, and heeding to the voice of repentance and embracing the warmth hands of salvation.

Through his thriving ministry, perishing souls have been delivered, healed, saved, restored, and their lives transformed drastically by the Power of Jesus Christ!

“Supernatural Experience” is a spirit filled project fronted by Sampson Annan where the body of Christ witnesses the visible manifestation of the power of God and spiritual development as the servant of God Sampson Annan ministers.

Sampson Annan is available for:

  • Youth Seminars
  • Church Speaking Engagements
  • Workshops For Parents
  • Training Sessions
  • Marriage and Singles Sessions

For Booking | Inquiries | Prayer line | Partnership / Sponsorship:

Call / WhatsApp: +233558856705 |

E-mail: [email protected]


Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) is a Pentecostal Charismatic Apostolic Ministry that is aimed at having a SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCE in the nation through spiritual warfare, strong apostolic preaching, and a practical prophetic teaching that equips souls for the work of the ministry, and the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST! This ministry is lead by Sampson Annan.

Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) official Logo

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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

Sampson Annan has 3565 posts and counting. See all posts by Sampson Annan

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