Shika Drommo

Premature Exposure Can Lead To Casualties – Shika Drommo Warns Against Early Stardom

Have you ever wished to be famous? Fame seems to have many advantages, even if we’re somewhat ashamed to admit it: money, influence, approval, and admiration.

However, being a celebrity has a high price, and the experience may be restricting, addictive, and can lead to casualties.

How exposed are those who are famous to the behavioral aspects of fame’s addiction? The response is “extremely”.

The important question is: How can a celebrity endure fame? How can one ride the merry-go-round of recognition until it’s time to ultimately get off with health, grace, and perspective after using a God-given skill?

Esteemed Ghanaian gospel Act based in USA with profound spiritual gifting, Shika Drommo has tackled the issue of fame and given gospel ministers guidance on the subject of stardom.

Shika revealed her candid thoughts about stardom on social media.

She wrote in the post’s caption:

Ecclesiastes tells us that God is a God of timing: “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
Without understanding times and seasons, we may try to reap during planting season, plant during harvest, run when we should be resting, and rest when it is time to run.
Every promise has a time of fulfillment.
Every assignment has a time of execution.
Every vision has an appointed time it comes to pass.
Doing even the right thing at the wrong time will cause us not to prosper and miss the mark every time.
Premature birthing of the promise or exposure can lead to casualties.
Praying for the grace to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in everything and move at the pace of GRACE in 2023.

At the age of five, Drommo began singing, and at the age of 16, she began writing songs. Her pastors and elders at the Legon Interdenominational Church urged her to join the Praise and Worship team when she was 18 years old because they saw God’s calling on her life. There, she was trained and groomed to use her talent more effectively.

She also had numerous chances to perform solos during religious services. She developed a strong desire to worship and praise God shortly after joining the team, and she inspired others to do the same.

Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com


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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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