Patience Nyarko is Not Better Than Me – Rose Adjei

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There are people in the gospel industry who tried to double cross me and they aren’t better than me – Rose Adjei.Gospel musician, Rose Adjei premiered her new single and reveals that the new song titled ‘M’adansidie’ is about giving testimony to God for helping her through difficult times.

Speaking in an interview with Frankie 5 on ‘This is Gospel’ on Hitz FM, she explained that there are people in the gospel industry who try to make sure she doesn’t get to the top and says this song is for those people.

“When you are getting into something and people don’t know what you carry, you have people who will stay away from you and watch to see what you will become and there are other people who see what you have and they will stand in the gab and make sure you don’t cross.

“We see and know it but sometimes pretend that we don’t know. One person sees it, the other person also sees it, who will say it?

That is where the issue is because I started this industry years ago but I got into the music industry by coming out with an album that was five years ago and it hasn’t been easy.

I’ve met with people who try to help me and also people who tried to double cross me and make sure I don’t make it to the top,” she asserted.

Rose Adjei also revealed that she has settled her differences with her colleague musician, Patience Nyarko but added that Patience is not better than her as people claim.

“I don’t have an issue with her. It’s just that we both misunderstood each other but now everything is cleared. I always wait patiently on God, pray and listen to the voice of God so whatever he tells me I do.

When I’m led by God to do a collaboration with Patience Nyarko I will. I am not saying this with pride but with humility that I am well gifted and spirit filled.

I don’t compare myself with anybody because I know we are all called differently. Patience is not better than me, I am good in my own style and she is too. I have never felt threaten by any gospel musician,” she said.



SEE ALSO: Gospel Music No Longer Inspiring – Amy Newman

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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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