Jane Rita

Do Not Compromise The Ministry In An Effort to Be A Paper Chaser – Jane Rita To Current Crop Of Gospel Artistes

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Gospel powerhouse, Jane Rita has urged some of her musical peers to stop fretting about money and focus more on the music ministry that God has called them to.

Jane Rita stated, “Gospel musicians should not give up their calling despite the current economic situation of the country,” in an interview with Sampson Annan of GospelEmpireGh. In an endeavour to increase profits, this industry currently makes several compromises. I agree that making money is excellent, but rather than running after and focussing on it, let’s concentrate on producing and playing songs with important messages that could conceivably alter people’s lives. After all, even if someone achieves fame and earns millions of dollars, what comes next? Gospel singers should stay focused and try to convert souls to Christ.

“One of the most common pitfalls that gospel artistes face is the temptation to chase money in the gospel industry. This can lead to compromising their faith, their message, and their integrity. In this blog post, Jane Rita described and elaborated some reasons why chasing money in the gospel industry is a poor idea and how to prevent it.
Jane said, “First, chasing money in the gospel industry can make you lose sight of your purpose. God has given you a gift and a calling to use your music to glorify Him and to edify His people. Your primary motivation should be to honor God and to serve His kingdom, not to make money. Money is a tool, not a goal. If you focus on money, you may end up making music that is not aligned with God’s will or that does not reflect His character.”

The anointed minstrel adds that chasing money in the gospel industry can make you compromise your standards. The gospel industry is not immune to the pressures and temptations of the secular music industry. You may be tempted to water down your message, to conform to worldly trends, or to collaborate with artists who do not share your faith or values. You may also be tempted to sign contracts that are unfair or unethical, or to accept offers that are not in your best interest. You may end up sacrificing your artistic freedom and your spiritual integrity for the sake of money. So how can you avoid chasing money in the gospel industry?

Here are some tips Jane Rita offered:
“- Keep your goal in mind. Remind yourself of your motivation for creating music in the first place and the calling that God has placed on your life. Don’t lose sight of Jesus, and put His kingdom first. According to His glorious riches, He will meet your needs (Philippians 4:19).
– Establish your criteria. Specify your values and the things you will not compromise on. Be obedient to God’s commandments and His precepts. Instead of following the fashion of this world, be renewed in your thinking (Romans 12:2).
– Ask God for direction. Before making any judgements or seizing any opportunities, ask God for wisdom and discernment. Beg God to reveal His will and His method to you. Lean not on your own understanding, but trust in the Lord with all of your heart (Proverbs 3:5–6).

– Godliness without discontent, though, is a wonderful gain. We cannot take anything from the world because we did not create it. But if we have access to food and clothing, we will be happy. (1 Timothy 6:6). In the gospel industry, chasing money is a trap that may destroy both your ministry and your life. Do not be deceived by it. Instead, seek God and His majesty. He will give you more in return than money could ever buy,” she concluded.

Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com


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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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