If The Name Of Jesus Can’t Help You, Oil Can’t Help You Either – Apostle Eric Nyamekye
If The Name Of Jesus Can’t Help You, Oil Can’t Help You Either – Apostle Eric Nyamekye:
“Jesus is not dead and cannot be dead; He is alive in His name. He is still alive in His church and His Word. That is why we don’t need Jesus to be here; whatever He could do in person, His name can do in His absence. He is still going about doing good, healing the sick, raising the dead, and bringing comfort to the distressed.”
The above assertion was made by the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, on Sunday, January 17, 2021, during a televised Special Evening Service With The Chairman on PENT TV.
Speaking on the topic: “The Power In The Name of Jesus,” Apostle Nyamekye said that the authority in the name of Jesus has been given to the church (Ephesians 1:22-23).
“Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He bequeathed to the disciples, the authority in His name,” he stressed.
According to the Chairman, it is not just enough for Christians to teach and preach in the name “Jesus” but they have to demonstrate the power therein by healing the sick, casting out demons and raising the dead (Mark 16:15-18).
“Don’t let our pastors say that they are teachers. We should be like Jesus. We should teach, heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead,” he said, adding, “The name is not the preserved of a particular group of people in the church but for all believers.”
Apostle Nyamekye explained that the death of Jesus Christ was a great disappointment and a source of discouragement to the disciples. However, he said, the fact of His resurrection brought about a bit relief to them but things turned around and the story changed for the better when the Holy Spirit came as the whole Jerusalem went upside down.
This, he noted, boosted the confidence the disciples had in Jesus and His Word because the coming of the Holy Spirit was evidence to the fact that Jesus had arrived in heaven just as He promised.
Reading from Acts 3 and 4, the Chairman recounted the story of the lame who was healed by Peter to emphasize the authority of the name of Jesus. He pointed out that what Peter had was the authority vested in the name “Jesus” and that caused the healing of the man.
“Wherever you are today, there is no distance in prayer as you listen to the sound of my voice just touch the set or believe that you are going to be healed because Peter had it; I have it. He gave it to us the disciples. Silver and gold, this evening I do not have but what I have I give it to you. In the name of Jesus, be healed of every infirmity; let burdens be lifted,” he prayed.
Referencing a quote by Dr. Charles Blair who once said: “The bigness of a man is determined by the cause he lives for and the price he is willing to pay to achieve it,” Apostle Nyamekye read Philippians 2:5-11 and stated: “The greatness of Jesus’ name didn’t come for nought.” He said that the greatness and authority was conferred on Jesus by God Himself, saying, “The greatness of man’s authority depends on who confers it.”
Apostle Eric Nyamekye further explained that a person’s name is not just for identification but all that a person is, is vested in his name. He, therefore, urged believers to trust and act in the name of Jesus, which he said, is superior to every other name (Hebrews 1:3-4).
“You don’t need Jesus to be here; His name is enough. You don’t need tokens, not anointing oil, not handkerchiefs and aprons, not water, and candles.
“If the name of Jesus can’t help you, oil can’t help you either. The name of Jesus is enough because it has authority in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth. God accredited Him with signs and wonders and these signs and wonders are vested in His name,” he concluded.
Source: peacefmonline.com
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