Prophecies of ‘Genuine’ Prophets Come to Pass – Dr Lawrence Tetteh

The subject of prophecy has more often than not sparked controversy, with the conversation mostly centering on which prophet or prophecy is genuine or otherwise. Rev. Dr. Lawrence Tetteh has added his voice to the subject.

Founder of World Miracle Outreach, Rev. Dr. Lawrence Tetteh, however, says it is not for any man to judge the authenticity of a prophet or his prophecies, what matters, according to him, is the ability to discern from the materialization of their prophecies, the genuineness of their predictions.

“Prophecies can come from God, it can also come from man. I’m not in the business of judging someone’s prophecy. I’m not there when God speaks to them, I don’t know what God spoke to them about, I know what God speaks to me about and I’d rather talk about what God speaks to me about.”

“You don’t decide anybody’s ministry, even the Bible says, by our fruits, you shall know us. If the prophet is a genuine prophet, what they prophesy must come to pass, if they are not genuine, if they prophesy, it will not come to pass because even in Ghana here, we’ve heard prophecies that came to pass and prophecies that did not come to pass”

“It is not for us to judge and I keep telling people, if we don’t take care, we’ll keep having crashes among ourselves, pastors and ministers and evangelists will be having crashes which will be very unnecessary, we should rather come together… and I’m very particular about how we will pounce on people and attack people and reject people, it should not be a competition among us at all”, he stated.

Speaking to Ghanaweb on the sidelines of the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Kempinski Hotel in Accra, Rev. Tetteh noted that though prophecies may project doom or tragedy in some cases, it is for men of God to pray to reverse them; that’s the ultimate aim of prophecies he said.

“I’ve prayed as a senior man of God, I’ve also prayed as a man of God who is fulfilling scripture that even if God reveals to somebody that he is going to pass on, God can also use me as a man of God to reverse that because God reveals to redeem so let’s be very mindful of our approach’, he maintained.

Pastor Tetteh meanwhile, emphasized the relevance of living upright lives such that one’s salvation is secure even in the face of sudden death.

“The only thing is that the Bible says we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling and that is the most important thing. Most people fear dying but whether we like it or not, everybody will die, even the prophet who prophesies will die one day.

The most important thing is that we live our lives well so that when we die, we die in Christ and anyone who dies in Christ, we know where we are going”, he stated.



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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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