Doing English Songs an Advantage — Celestine Donkor

THE Gospel scene has over the years been dominated by singers who use the local language, Gospel musician, Celestine Donkor, believes doing English songs is an advantage to an artiste.

Names such as Esther Nyamekye, Hannah Marfo, Tagoe Sisters, Daughters of Glorious Jesus, Philipa Baafi, Obaapa Christy, Patience Nyarko, Gifty Osei and many others have enjoyed successful careers.

Yet Celestine Donkor, believes a Gospel musician who sings in English is most likely to go international than with the local language.

“Although it is good to sing in your local language, it is better to sing in English because a lot of people can understand what you are saying and appreciate you more,” she said.

According to her, a musician who sings in English is likely to get more gigs abroad because English is a common mode of communication in many countries and the people can relate to what the artiste is saying.

She told Showbiz she came to this realisation when she travelled to Kenya to promote her latest song, Bigger.

“Although a lot of people were in love with my songs, it was difficult for them to relate to them because they didn’t understand the language,” she said.

Due to this, Celestine Donkor says she is planning to do more English songs to attract collaborations from other great musicians from outside Ghana.

Celestine just returned from the USA after touring places such as Maryland, Chicago, New York and Massachusetts.

The tour, according to her, was to get closer to her fans and promote her new single Bigger.

“I have been to Nigeria, Kenya and USA promoting my new single Bigger and getting up close with my fans. The love I was shown was awesome,” she said.

Known for songs such as Mmere Pa, Restoration, Turning Around and Alpha and Omega, Celestine said she has been busy lately performing at shows.

“I want my work to speak for itself. I don’t want to move from one radio station to the other telling Ghanaians what I’m doing but I want to allow my work to do the talking,” she said.

Celestine Donkor said she was planning to release her seventh album by the end of this year.



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Sampson Annan

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