Eagle Prophet Insists – Build it on the Judges Land

General Overseer of God’s Crown Chapel, Prophet Reindolph Oduro Gyebi known as Eagle Prophet insists that the National Cathedral should be built on the land of the judges.

He has sent a stern warning to anyone who plans to disrupt the construction of the National Cathedral to desist from it or risk incurring the wrath of God.

According to him, the blessing of Ghana have been tied up on the altar of darkness in the spiritual realm and the national cathedral will serve as a shield which will deliver Ghana from every curse ordained in Ghana.

Eagle Prophet added that the location selected for the building of the cathedral is a directive from God and should not by any means be changed by any man.

He stressed that any attempt by anyone to fight the project in any way will attracting generational curses upon themselves since the project is backed by the power of God.

According to Eagle prophet, he is ready to embrace every insult because anything positively declared by God usually face opposition.

He also sent a special message to the President of Ghana, President Nana Akufo-Addo to focus and affirm his decision to build the national cathedral on the land of the judges.

President Akufo-Addo has reaffirmed his commitment to building a non-denominational in the country.

According to him, the project is dear to his heart, and he is certain it will inure to the benefit of all Ghanaians when completed.

The President on 6th March 2017, cut the sod for the construction of the national Christian non-denominational cathedral for the country, as part of events that marked Ghana’s 60th anniversary celebration.

The Board of Trustees for the National Cathedral has settled on prime lands from Ridge Circle to the Osu cemetry in the capital, Accra.

The residence of nine judges, the Judicial Training Institute at East Ridge, the Scholarship Secretariat and the Passport Office will have to make way for the National Cathedral.

Government wants the building constructed to mark Ghana’s 60th anniversary. It has also explained that it is to be used for formal state occasions of a religious nature, such as presidential inaugurations, state funerals, and national thanksgiving services.

The National Cathedral will sit around a14-acre garden and will have chapels, a baptistery, a music school, an art gallery, a Bible Museum and Documentation Centre.

It is expected to seat 5,000 people in its main auditorium. But the choice of the location of the national symbol of interdominational unity is threatening to scatter support for the National cathderal.




Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com


SEE ALSO: Kwabena Opuni Speaks about National Cathedral


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Sampson Annan

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