Brian Amoateng Renders Apology Over Hand Sanitiser Comments

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Motivational Speaker and President of IYES Ghana Brian Amoateng has apologised to the general public for his Facebook Live comments regarding hand sanitisers.

When he was asked by one social media user to provide hand sanitisers to the public using some benefits from his church, he said, β€œβ€¦we don’t even have money, we are struggling to pay our rent, where are we going to get money to buy hand sanitisers?

β€œIt is not the responsibility of the church to buy sanitizers for you because you give offering. It’s not! You give offering to God to receive a blessing from God and not the church,” he answered.

However, Dr Brian Amoateng believes his comments, which attracted some negative criticisms, were misunderstood.

According to him, he is not against churches giving out hand sanitisers to its members and the community at large.

β€œMy explanation was on the basis that the church cannot be seen to be the only or sole institution to do that and that members also had a role to play as well as the government. It was in this light that I made my comment.|

Dr Amoateng said he has personally given about 100 hand sanitisers to some youth, church members and other needy persons and cannot be against such a move.

β€œI, however, apologise if this point did not come clear in my interactions on the live feed on Facebook,” he added.


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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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