Abigail Coleman Ushers in a Hit Single + Video Dubbed ‘King of Kings’

Canada-based Ghanaian Gospel Artiste and composer Abigail Coleman has released a brand new Single today titled ‘King of Kings’.

Having released two singles “Tumi” and “Mekra” to ink her name in the Gospel music scene in 2018, the Canadian – based Ghanaian gospel songwriter and singer, Abigail Coleman has returned with her much anticipated hit single titled ‘King of Kings’.

The centerpiece of ‘King of Kings’ was born from a place of trust and assurance. Abigail imbues her songs with personal experience with the Holy Spirit, huge tragedy which turned her life around and an effervescent joy.


Abigail Coleman Ushers in a Hit Single + Video Dubbed 'King of Kings'


The inspiration of the song was taken from Revelation 17:14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

Speaking to Sampson Annan of GospelEmpireGh.Com, she said: “As usual I’ll say that for me whenever I go through a tough season then I know the Lord has something to teach me or he’s giving a message for others. I had prayed for something and felt I wasn’t receiving the answer I needed but within me I feel the Holy Spirit was encouraging me to trust and to trust the King of Kings and that was difficult. I felt as though that giant in front of me was going to consume me but one morning as I drove even with a lot of fear the song just burst out and I started singing in the car and crying like a child, I sang it all day, I recorded on my phone and forgot about it until last year then I felt it was time to bring it to the world.”

The Promising gospel minstrel, Abigail Coleman also released the Visuals to ‘King of Kings’ which captivates you through your mind with electrifying visuals proclaiming the sovereignty of God.

‘King of Kings’ has the hallmark of Abigail because the song is a revelation of an accomplished and multi-talented musical star.

When asked by GospelEmpireGh.Com about her thoughts on current trend of Ghanaian Gospel industry, she said: “I like the Current wave of Ghanaian gospel and actually I’ve always loved our music. I feel like there’s a lot of creativity and talent but less support.”

From a musical family, the versatile singer has been in choirs, sang in Church and many others and has been involved in worship ministry since she was a child. She was in the UCC mass Choir when she was in UCC. Abigail Coleman lives in Canada with her family and leads worship in an Apostolic Church.

Her music journey took off when she met Kiki Banson about 13 years ago. He believed in her abilities especially as a songwriter and encouraged her to do so.

After working on Becca’s first album with Kiki, she had a deep revelation which turned her life around and she felt the call to minister through singing, hence her choosing Gospel music.

The songs are available for purchase on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and other e-commerce sites, and for streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and other streaming services.




Abigail Coleman – King of Kings (Official Music Video)


Connect with her on social media:
• Facebook: Abie Cole/ Min. Abigail Coleman
• Instagram: Abie Coleman
• YouTube: Abigail Coleman
• Twitter: Abie Coleman
• Email: [email protected]

Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com


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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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