A woman Cannot Be Equal to a Man – Piesie Esther

The debate on equality for men and women worldwide has been ongoing for decades. In Ghana, feminist groups like the Pepper Dem Ministries have taken a strong stance in fighting for gender equality, but gospel artiste, Piesie Esther says she does not think women are equal to men.

According to her, it is not right to say men and women are equal.

“A woman cannot be equal to a man, there is a reason we were born women and even the Bible says a woman should be humble in the home and the man should love her so where from this equality?

“For me, the man is the head of the house and should be given that respect. There may be things or chores that both partners would want to share which is not bad after all, it is even nice to see a husband give a helping hand to his wife but it should not be a matter of dictatorship,” she told Showbiz.

She added, “the Bible that I read and follow does not tell me that I should rub shoulders with my husband, so I will not follow any equality trend. I will not do anything that the Bible has not spoken of.”

The gospel artiste has been married for almost a decade and she attributes her successful marriage to God’s grace and humility.

“It’s the grace of God that has brought us this far. This is not to say that we do not have our issues, we do, we are human and definitely have flaws but we have a way we go about it.

“Again, God is the center of everything we do and I will say, he has been faithful to us.”

Praising her husband, Mr Enoch Asiedu, she said, “my husband is great, he’s a good communicator and knows how to deal with conflict really well.

“When it comes to my music career, he is very instrumental, he supports me 100 percent. He has interest in anything I do so far as my music is concerned and I want to use this chance to thank him and ask that God blesses him and orders his steps.”

Source: adomonline.com




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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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