The Era Of The Strong Young Woman – Aba Fame (Women Empowerment)
The Era Of The Strong Young Woman – Aba Fame: It has become so difficult to express kind gestures or exhibit the fruit of the spirit these days especially as a young woman due to the era we live in. Many donβt believe it when you seem to be too good and GOD fearing as a young woman.
We have created a name for ourselves as young women that it is almost impossible to live your life out of that terrain without been mocked or rejected for who you truly are.
Most people expect nothing else from a beautiful young woman apart from promiscuity. We are generally classified as a generation of way ward young woman full of immoralities.
Gone were the days when a young women of every calibre was seen to be automatically genuine in deeds in every aspect of their lives especially in relationships. The young woman was seen to be hard working and duty oriented and could be trusted as such.
But not any more, some of us have succeeded in creating a new trend and name which has almost become a pace for all women to follow suit. Society has also accepted such behaviours making it impossible to eradicate.
It has become so bad to extent that itβs either you compromise as a young woman by following the trend or be ready to be mocked as you sail through lifeβs journey genuinely.
Many people we look up to in society are rather the ones pulling us into some behaviours that we should be fleeing from. Thereβs no way you will get to deal with someone your fatherβs age without a greater per cent of them convincing you into immoral affairs with them.
Many in high positions we work under are only grooming us on how to be disloyal, unfaithful, greedy, selfish etc due to their behaviour.
They have no shame and are not willing to desist or repent from such behaviours because some of us willingly give in and even sometimes create room for such due to our lazy behaviours.
My dear young lady, please listen to me. No body has died of hard work. There have been many great women out there who walked their way through life without any easy way of compromising their dignity.
Itβs not easy to stand on your grounds no matter how tough the journey may seem to be. Itβs ok when you are rejected, mocked, accused etc because you wouldnβt compromise. Keep going because your diligence has a reward in future if you are able to get there.
To be able to sail through this wicked era safely as a young woman, you have to be realistic with yourself so you can battle your way through all the contentions easily.
Get hold of yourself and build yourself up. Invest in intellectual abilities, polish your natural skills or acquire one to raise another income aside your main source of income.
Learn to appreciate your little effort and means. This will go a long way to help you learn to be content.
Avoid companies that will cause you to surrender easily. Get involved with those who share the same beliefs with you and are also going the same direction so you can learn from them.
Be your own judge. This will help you to be sincere with yourself so you dont miss the twist unaware to cause you to compromise unknowingly.
Now, I want to let you know this for sure that Serving or walking with JESUS isnβt bread and butter. You will have to work at it daily if you want to succeed. Because nothing happens by chance.
Note: God sees all your pain and sacrifices. He is proud of the woman you have become. So keep going.
I love you, but JESUS loves you more!
– Aba Fame
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Source: Aba Fame –
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