The Dangers of An Idle Altar: Lessons from Shika Drommo

Shika Drommo recently shared some thought-provoking words of wisdom on social media that resonated deeply with me. She said, “It is dangerous to have a title, gift, or position as a ‘priest’ but not an active altar (heart) that ministers to the Lord. If that altar is left vacant, it will be occupied by satan and he will use your title to do his business. Ministering to the Lord must take first place!.”

As Christians, we are all called to be priests – to have a personal relationship with God and lead others to Him. However, it is not enough to simply have the title of “Christian” or to attend church services. We must have an active altar – a heart that is fully devoted to worshipping and serving the Lord. If we do not make ministering to God our top priority, our idle altar will leave room for the enemy to occupy our hearts and use our gifts and callings for his evil purposes.

Many of us desire positions of leadership and influence in our churches or communities. We pray for promotions and bigger platforms to share the gospel. However, we must examine our hearts to ensure we have the character and spiritual maturity to handle these roles. An idle altar – one that does not make spending time with God a priority – will lead to pride, greed, jealousy, and other sins that can destroy our witness and effectiveness.

Our gifts and callings are precious, but they are not the most important thing. The condition of our altar – our heart – should be our primary concern. When our altar is active and full of worship, our gifts will be used for God’s glory. But when our altar runs idle, it leaves room for the enemy to step in. Satan desires to destroy God’s people and work. If he can influence a leader with an idle altar, he can negatively impact many.

As Christians, we must be faithful priests who minister to the Lord above all else. We must daily fan the flames of our altar through prayer, worship, reading Scripture, and meditating on God’s Word. We must allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of any sins and transform us to Christlikeness. Our altar should be a place of total surrender – where we lay down our lives, gifts, and desires as living sacrifices to God.

The Christian journey is one of constant growth and renewal. No matter our level of leadership or experience, we must never stop ministering to the Lord or neglect our altar. Let us heed Shika Drommo’s warning and make our personal relationship with God our greatest priority. For when our altar is active, the enemy has no place in our lives or ministries. Our gifts will be used for God’s glory, and His power and anointing will flow through us to impact many. May we all become faithful priests with altars ablaze for the Lord!

Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com


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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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