The Church of Pentecost Employs Over 6,000 Ghanaians

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The Church of Pentecost, Ghana’s largest Pentecostal denomination with a presence in 136 countries, has been hailed as the country’s foremost Christian organization, providing jobs for many Ghanaians.

As of December 31, 2021, The Church of Pentecost has offered direct employment to a total of six thousand and fifty-four (6,054) Ghanaians, making it one of the highest private sector employers in the country.

The figure is very significant due to its economic impact on the many households and other dependents who might have derived a direct benefit from the people employed by the church.

Findings by Pentecost News indicate that out of the total figure, the Headquarters alone has employed 406 people, while those employed in the full-time pastoral ministry (pastors) were 1,826.

Other sectors of the church such as the Pentecost University (PU), has a total staff strength of 179. Pentecost Press Limited (PPL) has employed 56 people, while PENT TV and Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC) have employed 32 and 61 persons, respectively.

Pentecost hospitals, numbering 10 (Pentecost Hosptial, Madina; Pentecost Hospital, Tarkwa; Pentecost Hospital, Ayanfuri; and the Pentecost Clinics at Enchi Kwawu, Kasapin, Yawmatwa, Kpassa, Twifu Agona, Abrafo-Odumase, and Kultamise), have together employed a total of 1, 043 workers.

“Pentecost schools, comprising 98 basic schools, two senior high schools and two vocational training institutes, have together employed a total of 2,184 workers,” the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has stated when delivering the State of the Church’s Address today at the opening sessions of the 17th Extraordinary Council Meetings held at Gomoa-Fetteh, Kasoa in the Central Region of Ghana.

On the financial and economic empowerment sector, the church, through the Pentecost Co-operative Mutual Support and Social Services Society Limited (PENCO), has created direct employment for 267 people.

The 6,054 figure excludes the number of Ghanaians employed by the various districts offices of the church. The Church of Pentecost as at December 2021 had 1,571 districts.

The global employment impact of The Church of Pentecost runs into about 10,000 as the church currently has branches in 136 nations, where full-time ministers have been employed to man the churches there in addition to the auxiliary workers. The total number of ministers in the missions field was one thousand, two hundred and fifty-nine (1,259) in 2021.

The church runs a number of Bible colleges in its external (foreign) branches such as the Birmingham Christian College (BCC) – UK, Pentecost Biblical Seminary (PBS) – USA, and Pentecost Francophone Theological Bible School (PFTBS) – La Cote D’Ivoire, as well as various clinics and hospitals, dotted across the world, which has provided employment avenue for hundreds of people.



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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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