Prophet Joshua Iginla Reveals How To Identify ‘Fake’ Prophets

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The General Overseer of Champions Royal Assembly, Prophet Joshua Iginla spoke an hour ago on “The Prophetic Ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12)” via a live broadcast on his YouTube handle.

The General Overseer of Champions Royal Assembly, Prophet Joshua Iginla spoke an hour ago on “The Prophetic Ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12)” via a live broadcast on his YouTube handle. The prophet while speaking on the said topic, revealed how to identify a ‘fake’ man of God.

The started by listing some features many people “wrongly” use to decide who is a fake man of God. According to him, it will be wrong to judge a man of God using the following characteristics: miracles, standard of church, population of church, rapid church growth and doctrinal teachings. He said believers should use the standard God gave them.

He read the Book of Mathew 7:16-20 which says, by their fruits, we shall know them, as the recommended way of deciding who is a ‘fake’ prophet. Now the question is, what are these fruits?

1) Character

According to the prophet, if the character of a man is bad, you must surely see it no matter how long it takes to unveil itself. He said judging people based on speculations is totally wrong. “When you hear a pastor say that he is afraid to attend a particular church because he doesn’t want his spirit to be polluted, then such a person is not real.

“True men of God cleanse every dirty environment. Why? They fear no evil (Psalm 23). True men of God don’t hate other pastors according to Galatians 5:22-23. Only fake pastors hate another pastor”, the prophet said.

2) Prophecy

When they prophesy and that prophecy doesn’t come to pass, such a prophet is not real. However, he noted that some pastors are not actually fake when it come to prophecies because some allow their personal feelings to take over them.

3) Truth

He also said true men of God don’t shy away from the truth. Real men of God always acknowledge and defend the truth whenever they see it.



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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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