Breakup Couples

Ladies! Here Are 5 Signs He Wants A Breakup

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Take these points to consideration that moment you feel your guy wants a breakup or is about to.

1. He starts off irrational fights and for no reason.

He snaps at jokes he ordinarily wouldn’t and everything the lady does at this point is annoying to him. He ultimately wants/waiting for a spark to end the relationship.

2. He disappears at will.

All of a sudden the once smitten, always around guy is nowhere to be found. He finds it difficult to pick up the phone to call or even pick up the phone when the lady does.

3. He’s mean for no reason.

He doesn’t consider the other party’s feelings or emotions anymore, he just comes across as cold (very cold).

4. He pays no attention/becomes distant

A guy planning to break off with his lady doesn’t pay attention anymore. He actually doesn’t pay any mind to the lady, to what she wants and sometimes he strays/his thoughts stray when having a conversation.

5. He isn’t as close to you anymore

The guy stops intimate conversations, hangs out without you and generally starts ‘doing his own thing’.

If all these signs and more persist, he may have moved on or just not interested anymore.


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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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