Beth Moore

‘Take a Break’ or ‘Leave Altogether’—Beth Moore’s Warning to Christians on Musk’s New Twitter

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Bible teacher Beth Moore recently offered a Twitter lesson, one that she said she had to learn “the hard way,” in the hope that her experience could help others from falling into the “same trap.”

“I share this because I think it’s possible the new Elon Musk Twitter world is going to [increasingly] draw people into this same trap,” Moore tweeted.

Describing the trap, Moore said, “It’s good, right, and godly to speak out about what we believe to be deeply troubling in Christian communities that, in the words of the apostle Paul, are out of step with the truth of the gospel (Gal 2)—when compelled by the Holy Spirit (rather than by culture wars). But where this goes awry, is in thinking people are going to change their minds because of it.”

Moore, who characterizes herself as optimistic, nevertheless warned that, based on her experience, those who have been given gospel correction rarely return to the truth.

“More often than not, there’s too much power, position and money at stake,” Moore argued.

As a result, “WE get more and more frustrated, madder and madder and more and more bitter—and frankly less likable,” Moore explained. “I hate to say this, but, after awhile, people just can’t hang in there with those who are hind-hurt on here all the time.”

“I don’t mean this as an insult,” Moore said, reminding readers that this is a lesson she learned through difficult personal experiences. When Christians get “angry and bitter” at “opposers” and “trolls,” these detractors have “already won.”

Relating her Twitter lesson to leaving the SBC, Moore shared that “one of the reasons I had to step away from my lifelong denomination was that I realized the only way to still love it was to leave it. After I departed, I was no longer mad all the time. In my mind, I was fighting with it because I was fighting for it, but I did not understand that I had long since lost the fight.”

Moore announced she was leaving the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) during an interview with Religion News Service in 2021.

“I can no longer identify with Southern Baptists,” she said. “I love so many Southern Baptist people, so many Southern Baptist churches, but I don’t identify with some of the things in our heritage that haven’t remained in the past.”



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Sampson Annan

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