Questions & Answers With Prophet Tb Joshua Regarding Coronavirus

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During a live telecast on the popular Christian TV Channel known as Emmanuel TV owned by Nigerian Prophet, TB Joshua,the man of God declared that the fearful virus plaguing the world will end on 27th March 2020.

According to Prophet TB Joshua, the fearful virus which has caused fear and panic in the world will disappear the same way it came.

He advised his viewers to remain prayerful as they wait for the deadly plaque to disappear.

Below are the Questions & Answers With Prophet Tb Joshua Regarding Coronavirus

QUESTION – Prophet TB Joshua, what shall we call this period we are in – where you cannot give your neighbour a handshake, you cannot cough in public, travel to Jerusalem or Mecca for pilgrimage has been prohibited, people no longer share the Holy Communion cup, Pope Francis is performing Mass through video, many churches are holding services online, universities such as Harvard have closed, in many countries there are no gatherings of people more than ten and even President Trump said the situation is “not under control”. What can you say?

ANSWER – Don’t forget what Jesus said to His disciples, to Simon Peter in Luke 22:32 – “I pray your faith will not fail.” It is a prophetic word. Jesus was prophesying about what was to come – a time like this. He knew something was coming that would challenge our faith, that would take the faith from many, that would stop people from worshipping. But I don’t see anything to panic about because Jesus said in John 16:33 – “In this world, you will have tribulation – but cheer up; I have overcome the world.”

Don’t forget what I said at the beginning of the year – “Work of God – people will be getting tired this year because the work of God is not by power and might; because of so many challenges, tribulations and burdens they will not be able to bear.” Real faith thrives on a test. If there was nothing serious in the past to test our faith, here is something to test our faith in a unique way – a real situation. What an opportunity to grow in faith, in our relationship with God! What can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39)? Can the coronavirus? Can death? Nothing! As 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear.

QUESTION – You said the voice of the coronavirus will be silenced by the end of this month but President Trump said it may linger until July or August. For re-emphasis, we want to hear from you again because there is so much fear and panic.

ANSWER – I say again – it is the remnants we are seeing. The real coronavirus is gone. What we are seeing now are the remnants. But what the coronavirus has caused – economic backlash, fear – will linger until the end of the year.

QUESTION – How do we overcome fear?

ANSWER – What is fear? How do you define fear? Fear means you are not in line with God, you are not with God. Fear exposes the level of our relationship with God. Fear exposes the kind of relationship we have with our Creator – God. Fear exposes who we serve, who we believe. Fear means we are not serving God with all our hearts. Fear means we are not such in heart. The opening of the eyes of our faith will be the silencing of our fears.

QUESTION – What are we to expect at the end of this month?

ANSWER – I have said it! How many times do you want me to say it? How many times do you want to hear it?

QUESTION – But are we to continue with the coronavirus?

ANSWER – The name of God has always been used for possible things – but faith is for impossible things. We are using God’s name for possible things, not impossible. People’s lives have been like this. This coronavirus has only exposed us. Our challenges determine where we are spiritually. Challenges reveal the true condition of man’s heart. Challenges reveal where we belong. Remember, faith is for impossible things.

QUESTION – If I may be clear, you said the voice of coronavirus will be silenced by the end of this month. Are we right?

ANSWER – Well, I will not blame you, because you live by what you see and what you hear. I am telling you what is to come. Thank God you cannot change it, because people are profiting from the situation at hand.

“Viewers all over the world, no one enjoys being sick. Lord Jesus, Your children need Your healing hands. Heal them, in the name of Jesus! The right hand of God is power. Whatever virus – wherever it is in the body – heal them, in the name of Jesus! Deliver them, in the name of Jesus! Restore them, in the name of Jesus! Those on the sick-bed – may your doctors, nurses, care-givers sense the presence of God, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be healed! Be delivered! Be restored!” – TB Joshua

Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com |

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Sampson Annan

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