Kirk Cameron Criticizes Education In The United States In His Documentary “Homeschool Awakening”

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Kirk Cameron, the “Growing Pains” actor, released a documentary called “Homeschool Aweking” where he criticizes education in US schools, calling it inaccurate and immoral.

Cameron gives a strong point of view about the way children are educated in school, the actor recommends that children could be better educated at home.

“The freedom we had was so worth the small sacrifice it was to teach the kids,” one mother explains in the trailer. “Now 12 years later, I realize it was not a sacrifice – it was a total gift. “
Home schooling is better

One of the firsts of the documentary is to remove the taboo that homeschooling is bad and the people who do it are it rare and underdeveloped compared to people who are taught in a regular school.

Cameron has said that in the public system unfortunately does not work with the people, but against them, in his opinion the public school is America’s number one enemy. The actor recommends taking the reins of education, because whoever has control of the textbooks controls the future.
The pandemic transformed education

ABC News reported in early April that 18 US states shared data from the current school year; the number of students taking classes at home increased by 63 percent in 2020-2021, then dropped only 17 percent in 2021-2022. This is an indication that for safety and better education, parents have decided not to send their children to school.

The synopsis of Cameron’s upcoming documentary:

Families across the nation are experiencing homeschool awakening, taking advantage of freedom and opportunities for self-discovery – with the world as their classroom. Join award-winning actor, Kirk Cameron, as he dives into the adventures of dynamic American families on a mission to put fun and faith back into learning. The Homeschool Awakening explores the ins, outs, and honest answers to homeschooling’s most frequently asked questions.

The documentary will only be shown in theaters on June 13 and 14.



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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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