Kari Jobe On the “Kingdom Work” Going On In The White House

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Popular worship leader Kari Jobe took to social media and shared the emotional experience she recently had while attending a faith briefing at the White House.

President Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser, Paula White, hosted a “faith briefing” at the White House last week and invited a number of Christian performers, including Jobe and her husband Cody Carnes, to be a part of it.

The event was held to show how the Trump administration is impacting multiple faith-based projects.

“Cody and I were honored to be invited,” the “Forever” singer shared on Instagram. “As I stepped foot into the White House, I had to just take a moment and take it all in.

I was thinking through how many great men and women have served and led in that house, have come to visit that house, have changed history inside that house.”

Jobe admitted that she was “moved the most” by the “peace” she felt while in the prestigious home.

“It wasn’t chaotic, it wasn’t heavy…it was peaceful. It’s a home. I thought that was special,” she described.

The worship leader went on to share her admiration for the focus of the meeting which was “Kingdom” related and not at all political.

“I sat there with tears in my eyes because these beautiful people get up daily and go to work in a governmental facility and think about people; you and me,” Kari Jobe revealed in her post.

“They pray and seek God for wisdom for people. It all seemed beyond politics – it was Kingdom. I realized there are some Kingdom minded people who work in the White House and that was extremely encouraging.”

The Christian mother and wife made it clear that she does not engage in “political jargon” but said the Holy Spirit has prompted her to get involved as a way to pray.

“I do engage when the Holy Spirit puts a burden to pray or do whatever He has spoken and obey Him. I was moved and reminded to pray every day for our leaders and government,” she added.

“We won’t always see everything the same, or even agree with everything people say or do…but we are all alive on the earth for such a time as this and what if God is calling new Esther to rise up?”

Kari Jobe also shared some of the initiatives the White House is working on that all have Christian values and that the media have not covered.

She described hearing government leaders talk about projects to “rescue victims of human trafficking, rehabilitate former inmates, take care of foster children, help neighborhoods and communities that are falling apart,” and ones to “help rebuild cities after tragedy.”

Some of the singer’s peers also took to social media after the event to share some of what took place.

“They didn’t belittle other countries or other leaders, instead they genuinely stated what the needs are and how we as a [Christian] family can serve with them,” Citizen Way wrote on Instagram.

Danny Gokey shared about how honored he was to be part of worshiping “freely at the White House.”

Also present at the “Faith Briefing” were White’s husband, Jonathan Cain, Michael Tait, Building 429, Sidewalk Prophets, Matt Hammitt, We Are Messengers, Tauren Wells, Colton Dixon, and Bethel Music, among others.

Source: Christianpost.com


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Sampson Annan

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