Jackie Hill Perry

Jackie Hill Perry Warns Christians Not To Use Enneagram Personality Test That Has ‘Demonic’ Origins

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Although she was once a fan of the Enneagram personality test, Christian speaker, author and artist Jackie Hill Perry is warning believers about its demonic roots.

Hill, who used to promote the personality text to her friends and followers, shared her discovery on Instagram story last weekend, where she revealed that she looked into the origins of Enneagram which is popularly used among Christian circles, and even church leaders, to describe individual’s personality types.

“I was really skeptical and have been for some years when people were saying that the Enneagram was demonic,” Hill said.

The Gay Girl Good Godauthor said the Lord prompted her to study the history behind Enneagram for two days and has now concluded it is “evil,” adding, “It ain’t even funny, [because] it’s like legitimately doctrines of demons, divination, witchcraft.”

Hill said she “had no idea” about who created the test and how, and admitted she had previously been warned that it was demonic but thought people were just being “too deep” and allowing conspiracies to inform their views.

But now, she is convinced those claims were true, adding that one of the originators of the Enneagram, Oscar Ichazo, claimed that he received his information through a demon named Metatron. Ichazo, a teacher from Bolivia, said he received the wisdom of the Enneagram in a dream.

“He went into sort of a seven-day divine coma,” Chris Heuertz, author of The Sacred Enneagram, explained in his book. “It was essentially a hallucinogenic prayer. And he said that during these seven days, this angel came to him and exposed to Ichazo 108 different, what he then called Enneagons. So this angel comes and gives him 108 Enneagons, or now what we call Enneagrams. And really just one of those 108 is the Enneagram of personality.”

Hill said another originator, Claudio Naranjo, who created the types in the personality test, got his wisdom through what he called “automatic writing.”

“Which is a form of channeling spirits where a demon basically guides your hand or guides your mind to help you arrive at certain ideas,” Hill explained.

The ex-lesbian-turned-preacher warned that when people take on the information given to them by the Enneagram, they are “literally applying to our identity the wisdom of demons — it’s literally that deep.”

Hill felt it was her duty to publicly renounce the Enneagram because of her past promotion of it as a useful tool.

“Divination, witchcraft, all of this stuff,” Hill said, must be renounced as a Christian. “A lot of it centers around knowledge and being able to access information and secrets and mysteries from sources that God hasn’t sanctioned, whether that’s using astrology, tarot cards, psychics, mediums, etc.”

She preached that just as Eve in the Garden of Eden was hungry for knowledge reserved for God, Christians also sometimes rely on these resources rather than the Holy Spirit.

Hill revealed she also used the Enneagram to give herself “language for who I was and what made me tick and how to understand other people apart from the Spirit.”

“But I think what I’m seeing is that if these men develop this framework, from demons, then that means that we are actually choosing to understand ourselves in ways that has nothing to do with the Spirit of God,” Hill concluded. “Why wouldn’t Satan want to influence the way we understand ourselves?”

She ended that the subtly of the Enneagram “seems good” and “like wisdom,” but maintained that it was demonic.

A 2018 article titled “The Rise of the Enneagram,” names Beth McCord as an integral Christian Enneagram “coach,” who, according to reports, learned the Enneagram from New Age psychic Helen Palmer and at least five other New Agers. Beth and her husband, Jeff, were ordained ministers by the Presbyterian Church in America.

Along with McCord, many Christians use the personality test in their ministries and conferences.

The tool became popular in the 1990s and early 2000s after Franciscan Fr. Richard Rohr published “The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective” and “Discovering the Enneagram: An Ancient Tool for a New Spiritual Journey.”

Source: christianpost.com


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Sampson Annan

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