Anthony Evans Releases his First Book

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Popular recording artist Anthony Evans finds his voice and helps you find yours in “Unexpected Places”.

Anthony Evans will be featured in the next issue of Encore due out in Sept. Enjoy this sneak peek of our interview.

Encore: “Unexpected Places” is your first book, how was the experience?

Anthony: It’s crazy because when the publishers first called about doing the book, I was a bit of a skeptic. I was like they’re trying get my dad and my sister through me, they don’t want me to write a book. But, as time went on I realized that they saw something in me that I didn’t initially see.

It was an interesting process because as a songwriter you have 3 1/2 minutes to write, make it rhyme and were good. With a book it’s a couple of hundred pages of telling stories and believing that God has given you a message through your experiences in life. It’s been a very interesting experience that I’m glad to be part of.

Encore: Talk about how the book can be a source of encouragement for readers.

Anthony: I’m honored to be my dad’s son, but there is pressure that comes with being a pastors kid and it’s not pressure put on by my dad, but just having his name and because he’s so great people expect me to be great in the same way.

So, my encouragement to the readers in the book is letting them know God doesn’t have grandkids, God is not connected to you just because of who your family is or who your parents are.

God has a very specific want and desire to have a relationship with you individually and I had to learn that God has a plan for me that echoes some of what my dad had done and who he’s been.

Once I grasped the concept that God wants a very specific relationship with me then I was able to step into my own more. I was trying to be my dad not because he was trying to make me, but when I was trying to be my dad it felt like I was putting a left shoe on a right foot.

Something about it was rubbing me wrong, but my encouragement comes from stepping into my own and dealing with the fact God has an individual plan for me and that’s what I want the readers to know.

Encore: Doing anything new or for the first time can be difficult or there can be a fear of failure. How did you deal with that?

Anthony: Always choose courage over comfort because when you step out into courage whatever the scenario is that you feel like, “This may be the next thing”, but I’m fearful of it”, just step out into courage.

That is an unexpected place and I have met God in so many ways when I have taken those steps. When you do what you can, God will do what you can’t.

“Unexpected Places,” is available now via W Publishing (ISBN: 978–0–7852–1931-6)



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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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