Quame Gyedu ‘Anloga for Christ’ set for August 8th (Events)

Gospel artiste and worship leader, Quame Gyedu is set to host the maiden edition of his outreach program dubbed Anloga for Christ on August 8th – 10th, 2018 at the Revival World Chapel International (Anloga 007) Kumasi at 5:30PM each night.


Quame Gyedu Anloga for Christ 2


Living the Zoe Life is an Outreach program put together by GreenLeaf Christian Community ( GLCC ) and the focus is to reach out to the lost and introduce them to the Saving Grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord with Christ Centered music and unadulterated Gospel.

Speaking to Sampson Annan of GospelEmpireGh the Worship leader said, the outreach is the first of its kind and they will be visiting the Anloga Community from the 8th to 10th of August with all the Worship and Praise leaders in the City.

The vision is led by God Himself through his servant Quame Gyedu.

Quame Gyedu is a young gentleman anointed by Jehovah God Himself to go around all the nations,teaching them what Real Worship is after which he tells the nations what the mind of God is.

Quame Gyedu’s name grew in and around Kumasi (particularly Sunyani, Obuasi and Tema), and the pieces began to fall into place for him. Entering a ministry of incredibly talented and gifted ministers in the Garden City, Quame Gyedu Ministries won the hearts of many music lovers which earned them some much needed audience to begin playing bigger shows for an ever- increasing local audience.

Quame was one of the few artists who had the chance to minister on the platform of the world renowned evangelist Reinard Bonke when Ghana (Kumasi) had her turn to host his (Bonke) crusade. His debut album, Altar Call, is a captivating and touching that heralds the emergence of a gifted and sensational new talent, one whose music feels refreshing the best possible way.

Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com



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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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