Rev. Eastwood Anaba – The Man of God (Devotion)

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Matthew 10:24
The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his Lord. Rev Eastwood Anaba – Man of God.

Rev Eastwood Anaba’s devotional on Man of God. It is very easy for many believers in Jesus Christ to think a man of God who is faithful to God’s mandate for his life should not go through suffering, misery and shame (Ministers Material).


READ ALSO: Joshua Iginla – Mind your Future (Devotion)


They often associate a man of God in this state with sin or disobedience. However, Jesus Christ Himself was not exempted from persecution and insults by those God sent Him to save. The prophet Isaiah described Jesus as an embodiment of sorrows and grief (Isaiah 53:2-3).

Jesus Christ, the Son of God and God incarnate, was hungry and eventually was disappointed by a fruitless fig tree (Matthew 21:19). He and his disciples encountered a storm that the disciples feared was going to take their lives (Luke 8:23). He wept (John 11:35). He was seriously betrayed by His friend and disciple (Luke 22:48). They spat on Him (Matthew 26:67). He felt forsaken by the Father at a point (Matthew 27:46). Ultimately, He was crucified (Matthew 27:35).

The irony of the modern day believer is that he/she reads all these things about Jesus Christ and still believes in Him as Lord and Saviour. However, we are not able to accept the fact that even though a man of God may be going through trials, misery and temptations, it does not mean God is punishing him for sin or disobedience. Jesus Himself stated categorically that a servant is not greater than his master and that if He was persecuted, we shall equally be persecuted.

The lesson we should take away is that the misery of the man of God does not make him miserable. In other words, the misery of the man of God is no proof of the presence or absence of God’s grace upon his life.

Prayer Assignment:
Pray for God to give you the wisdom to learn from the example of Jesus Christ; that you will not measure God’s favour, goodness and mercy in your life by the presence or absence of trials and challenges.

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 53:1-12


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Sampson Annan

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