Apostle JB Makananisa – Temptations (Devotion)

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Apostle JB Makananisa: (James 1:12-14, Hebrews 5:8) The difference between temptations goes with our destinies. There are two kinds of Temptations:
1. Temporary Temptation
2. Permanent Temptation

As a child of God one must be tempted. A heathen cannot be tempted for whatever comes the way is seen as an opportunity.

Temporal temptations are there just to delay us for the best, they are there simply to delays us i.e. any delay you face God uses it to reserve you because if you receive a blessing at a wrong time it will kill you.

So you are reserved for a purpose, you were out aside and saw other people overtaking you but God knew what he was doing.

On Temporal temptations, God just puts you aside and when they run, He takes you from the side and puts you at the end and when they reach the end they will find you.

There is Temptation which is Permanent that cannot be changed and it is there for God to prove your enemies wrong.

The surname you are using, someone was using it which rendered him/her weak and defeated but as you are using the same surname which is Permanent, with the same surname God will prove your enemies wrong.

James 1:12-14
12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. 14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. (ESV)
The moment you say you are a Pastor because of your lust which leads you there, you will face temptations that Pastors face.

I found that whoever is preaching the Gospel must pay a price to reach a certain level.

You are tempted because there are temptations and it is God who says enough is enough, endure and you shall be approved because you are fit for that temptation.

Whatever you face might be a temptation but God didn’t bring these temptations for Satan is the tempter. Temptations come before the blessings; the bibles says “blessed are those who endure,” meaning you endure until you reach a point where God says you are fit.

If you get a blessing without enduring, the blessing can be a curse to your life. As long as you are living, you will have certain desires; therefore you will be tempted, only those in the grave will never be tempted.

The work of a temptation is to check if truly you are a Christian, are you what you saying you are? You are to endure in your failures holding onto Jesus. I’m telling you that as long as you endure, your day of victory will come.

Hebrews 5:8

8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. (ESV)

Listen temptations provokes your obedience; though Jesus was a son He learned obedience by suffering. He endured the pain because of the joy that was set before Him for He understood where he was going.

We must know the end of the trials. If you read about how Abraham left his family you will realize that he left without God showing him where his destiny would end. We need Christians who can’t complain, who know the end before the beginning.

When you hear pain and hunger, God would be saying that you must wait for a while.

Just like Saul from the book of Samuel, God will change your heart and all things shall come to pass. When you were suffering pain God was speaking and saying that you should carry on.

Jesus suffered and learned obedience from suffering; He did something that many of us can’t do. In the book of John chapter four Jesus was hungry as He was at the well.

The disciples saw a need of going to buy food but He knew that He was there for His purpose in life and not to eat or drink.

Many of you when God takes you to a well you forget the purpose that God has given you. Jesus was there not to drink but to change someone’s life.

When you seem to be nearer to your well do not think you have arrived for a well is not an ocean. Move and go to your destiny.

All the temptations you are facing are there to take you to a higher position. The moment you feel pain you will worry about death but be different, instead in the midst of your pain get up and thank God.

When you have no finances just close the door and worship your God.


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Sampson Annan

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