Bishop Agyinasare – Supernatural Deliverance (Devotion)

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Supernatural Deliverance devotion by Bishop Charles Agyinasare, helps God’s people refresh, refocus and renew their faith and prayer.

One of the prayer giants in the bible is Daniel. He believed in prayer.

Daniel 2
Daniel prayed with his brothers and God showed him the interpretation of the king’s dream.This year- our year of the supernatural- God will speak to you through dreams and visions.

Prayer and study of the word make you sensitive to the spirit.

Because Daniel was a praying man, He had a lot of spiritual insight. He was able to identify principalities attempting to block him.

Anytime you start praying, you are moving the hand of God. Just as God assigns His angels over you, the devil will assign demons to limit and attack you. We must bind the strong man through prayer.

In this life there are different types of power. The power of God is greater than every other power, and can only be activated through prayer.

Psalm 62:11
God speaks once; when it comes to His power, He speaks twice.

We must activate the power of God in our prayer

1 Corinthians 16:9
An adversary is an opposer, enemy or one sent ahead of you to impede your progress. When God declared this year is your year of the supernatural, satan announced in the realms of hell that any open door will be blocked by adversaries.

May your prayer cause a standard to be raised. Instead of feeling frustrated, disorganised or focusing on your problems, pray. You must resist all resistance and trouble all your troubles.

There is a hindering spirit that wants to stop your breakthrough. This year, do not allow it. Claim your victory through prayer!

Break every barrier, chain and limitation. Whatever was supposedly impossible in your life shall be manifested through the supernatural power of God. Just like Daniel prayed, we must pray earnestly and continually.

Don’t take prayer for granted.

If there was any year where you’ve experienced favour, it will be this year. By the natural calculation of things, there are things you don’t deserve. But by the supernatural calculation of things, God has decided that you will get them.

Daniel 6:10

Develop a praying habit. What man cannot do, God can do. When you pray, you are having fellowship with God and communicating with Him. It is a deep appeal from a child to his father.

Ask God for help; He is your helper.

2 Chronicles 20:3-4

Ecclesiastes 9:11
Psalm 127:1
Prayer is reckoning that the race is not for the swift or the battle for the strong. It is not because you are the best, but because He is the greatest. You must rely on God.

John 15:5
Prayer is acknowledging that without God you can do nothing. Don’t trust in your own might or understanding. Depend on Him. He can do what man cannot do.

  • Some postures for prayer
    •Bow down (Psalm 95:6)
    •Kneel before him
    •Fall on your face (Matthew 26:39)
    •Stand (Mark 11:25)
    •Lie down (2 Samuel 12:16)

Find time to pray anywhere and everywhere. Pray in your car, in your office and at home. In this year of the supernatural, whatever belongs to you, pray until you receive it!

Bishop Agyinasare – Supernatural Deliverance




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Sampson Annan

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