Dave hammer (Personality Profile)

Dave Hammer (Hello 101.5fm) Uncovered:

Dave Hammer Hello 101.5fm

David Annan Popularly known as Dave Hammer Berima is a Radio Personality, Event Promoter, Advertiser and Marketing Strategist, Entertainment Show Host and Radio Dj.  Dave Hammer is also a veteran actor .He starred in Ewiase Ye Sum, Check yourself (Viasat 1) Biribi Gyegye Wo Series on adom TV and Asem B3ba. He is the CEO of Dave Hammer Productions and Dave Hammer TV.

He started radio at Radio Lynk at the Kumasi Polytechnic, then moved to Radio Mercury 91.5.He later changed his environment to Brong Ahafo region, Nananom 92.5fm.

In 2006, he again stretched his feathers back to Kumasi’s No.1 Radio station Hello 101.5fm.He is the elder son of Mr and Mrs Annan and a brother of four.

David Annan is a graduate of Christian Service University (Marketing And Logistics in CSUC),and went to Kumasi High School and also currently with the Media outfit of Despite Group of Companies.

David Annan A.K.A Dave Hammer hosted the Mid Morning Show on Kumasi’s station Hello 101.5fm for a few years and then moved to Lunchtime from Mon to Thursdays at 1pm to 2pm and Ekwanso Br3br3 Part 2 (7pm – 10pm Fridays).
Dave Hammer Hello 101.5fm 6

Dave Hammer and Abeiku Santana
Photo: Dave Hammer and Abeiku Santana

Dave Hammer

He is also the Host of Hello Entertainment Review, a one of kind show that is jam-packed with juicy Entertainment News, Music Updates, interviews, movie previews and more. .

His Radio Show dubbed “Hello Entertainment Review” won Foklex Awards (Entertainment Show of the Year 2015/2016) and has been nominated at Ghana Djs Awards 2twice (Best Highlife Dj of the Year2014 and 2015).
The Copyright Org of Ghana (Ashanti)acknowledged him with a Citation in 2014 for the Immense contribution in the Entertainment Industry
You might ask is he married and that’s a question that you all want to ask. Yes, he is married to his Priscilla Appiah Minkah and both have 4 kids.

Dave Hammer and Wife (Priscilla Appiah Minkah)
Dave Hammer and Wife (Priscilla Appiah Minkah)

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Dave Hammer TV

Connect with Dave Hammer on Social Media:
Email:[email protected]
Facebook: Dave Hammer Barima
Instagram: @davehammer777
Twitter: @davehammer8
YouTube: DaveHammerTV
Tel: 0244-843439

Source: GospelEmpireGh.Com


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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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